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HR and OD Consulting

Strengthen Your People Practices

Whether you're looking for fresh perspectives or extra hands, we can help you accelerate change related to people practices and organizational change. We'll coordinate within our network of partners to get you the supplemental expertise you need for projects, updates, or changes -- all aligned with your established practices and customized to meet your desired outcomes. 
unleashing people potential

Putting People First

Are your people practices well-aligned with your organization's mission, vision, values and strategy? Or have the people parts of your business lagged behind? 

When you update your people practices and put people first, they'll drive the innovation, quality, profitability, and brand that will get your organization where it wants to be. Neglecting the people practices will inhibit growth and keep HR from being seen as a true strategic partner.

We can help you make the updates and get the alignment needed. Stop trying to make do with systems that are outmoded and are compromising your effectiveness!

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Optimizing resources

Clarity > Confidence > Courage

When the org chart, job descriptions, roles & responsibilities, and interdependencies are unclear, productivity is adversely affected.

To reduce rework, engage employees, and create operational efficiencies, you need to establish and drive clarity throughout the organization. Your people processes and placements have to make sense to everyone. Otherwise, people will hold back. 

We can help you fit the puzzle pieces together better. Our process moves quickly but engages employees along the way. With clarity in who does what (and why!), you'll see newfound confidence and higher-level contributions throughout the organization.  

Our HR & OD Consulting Services


People First Productivity Solutions is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP® recertification activities.  

Our recertification courses are offered on People First Leadership Academy. These workshops are highly interactive and are only available live. You'll find the current offerings in the HR Learning Track at

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When jobs are defined by objective competencies -- the skills, knowledge, and traits needed for peak performance -- all your people practices will be aligned and easier to understand. A competency model provides a backbone for job descriptions, interviewing and selection, development, succession planning, and performance management. 

Our clients seldom have time or internal expertise for developing robust competency models. We carry the load to understand job roles and what makes people successful in them. We build the competency models and associated tools to lighten the long-term load for HR and everyone in the organization. 

Job Role Clarity

Once you have a Competency Model for all job roles, everyone gets clarity about what it looks like to excel in a role (or not!). No more subjectivity or inconsistencies. 

We build the models and the behavioral examples. We create Job Profiles so employees and managers are "on the same page." Job Profiles include updated and validated job descriptions. competencies, behavioral examples of competencies, and behavioral interviewing questions to assess candidates being considered for the role.  


Make it easier for managers to conduct interviews and objectively select the "right" candidates -- the ones who fit the pre-set competencies. 

We create the Interview and Selection guides with question sets for Behavioral Interviewing. We'll also teach your hiring managers to conduct Behavioral Interviews and make objective decisions when hiring. 

The Employee Journey

In the war for talent, people practices are more important than ever before. Employee enablement and ennoblement is imperative in every aspect of the employee experience. That's a tall order! 

Organizations that consistently provide positive employee experiences thrive. They have higher rates of engagement, retention, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Those advantages lead to stronger profit margins. Investing in an improved employee experience pays off!

We help our clients assess and address gaps in the employee experience. 

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Our consultants are fully certified in the 8 tracks of organizational transformation including strategy-structure, reward systems, process, teams, learning, skills, and culture. 

With an outsider's perspective and thorough needs assessment of your growing SMB organization, we can spot opportunities to boost productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness. We'll accelerate change by engaging team members in shaping the future of your organization.

Let's talk about your people practices