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Making the Business Case
for Leadership Development 

How to get your C-Suite on Board with Leadership Development

Research proves that leadership development is the number one factor in boosting employee engagement. There is a strong and indisputable correlation between higher levels of employee engagement and leaders who engage in 30 discrete behaviors (from the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® developed by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner). Increasing the frequency in even one of these behaviors can make a double digit improvement in employee engagement levels.

In other words, leaders are not the only ones who benefit from leadership development. The people they manage, the organization as a whole, and even customers benefit when leaders and managers participate in a leadership development program and learn about the 30 behaviors that boost leadership effectiveness.

Check out the resources below to make a stronger argument for leadership development in your organization!

Employee Engagement matters! Higher levels of engagement result in:

  • Reduced levels of employee turnover

  • Stronger succession and talent management

  • Higher levels of employee productivity

  • Improved customer satisfaction

  •  Top line revenue growth

  •  Bottom line profitability



On-Demand Webinars for HR Professionals

for HR pros
For HR Pros: How to Make the Business Case for Leadership Development
What will it take to convince the C-Suite that leadership development is a smart investment? Learn the 5-step process for mapping out the ROI in a way that will get their attention every time! This goes beyond talent management and the typical reasons cited within human resources. It’s what you need to truly pique executive interest.
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Retaining Top Talent

Take a look at the research and best practices that make some employers better at retaining top talent than others. Spoiler alert: it’s not because they pay more or have better free food in their cafeteria! What they’ve got is a higher level of employee engagement. And you can have that, too.

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Enabling and Ennobling Employees to Boost Engagement Scores

What does it mean to have a “people first” culture and approach to business? What would happen if you really did put people before profit and products? In this webinar, find out what kind of difference it makes in recruiting, turnover and talent management.

Case Study

Program Architecture for In-House Leadership Development in a Global Produce Company

Download the free case study PDF!

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Let's Strategize So You Can Make the Case!